Wedding Couple Photos

Alone Time

Your wedding day, whilst it is an extraordinary day for you naturally can become the most stressful day of your life. All your months of discussing, planning and arranging every minute detail of your wedding finally come to a head and it goes in a flash. 

With every wedding I help my clients plan their day to make sure they allow good time to have some alone time with each other, away from prying eyes, and your uncle bob wanting to give you a hug. 

Of course you want to celebrate with your close friends and family, but its also really nice for you as a newly married couple to have around 30-45 minutes away from the party. This is the time I use to capture the wedding couple photos.

Prior to the wedding, we will have discussed a location for these, but generally, they are done at the church and/or the wedding venue.

your first time alone together

taking couple photos

Along with a videographer (If you have one) we will take a walk together, and take some natural pictures of you both together. I recommend we take one of your bridal party with us just to be there to hold flowers and help with any hair/makeup that needs a quick fix, they can also help to create some magic flying dress shots!

As with all my photography, I let my clients relax and act naturally, I will help with posing, but will let you just gaze into each other’s eyes lovingly and let the photos create themselves. So rest assured, if you are not the most comfortable in front of a camera, I will make sure we get some excellent photos of you and your venue.

just relax and be natural
couple photos

golden hour photos

Golden hour is the hour just before sunset when the sky is orange and “Golden”. It’s a photographer’s dream come true when the weather is perfect to get a natural warm hue in the background behind the wedding couple photos. The best time of year for this is the summer, but it can occur all through the year. 


Unfortunately with everything in nature, it is unpredictable so we can’t plan these shots that far in advance. However if luck is with us on the day, I’d suggest we try and make it work, in the summer this naturally happens around the time of your wedding breakfast, so we can always nip out for a few minutes.


wedding photographer
dreamy orange photos from a dreamy orange-haired photographer


If you think I'm the one, why don't you check out some of my wedding couple photos in the wedding galleries?